Healthy trail mix with a few tasty treats thrown in, too!
Filling, good for you, and just a teeny bit naughty… The perfect snack!
The HHH and I both keep a small box of this trail mix in our lunch bags because it’s the best thing to dive into when you’re feeling a bit peckish. You only need a handful to stave off hunger between meals as it’s packed full of carbs, protein, and healthy fats.
Plus, if you’re anything like us and the thought of a chocolate bar or packet of crisps leads you astray, the mini marshmallows and tiny chocolate drops go a long way to making this snack seem much more appealing!
Buying the ingredients for this might feel like a lot of money when you’re in the shop, but everything in my batch cost £15 in total from Aldi. When you work it out, you get at least 2 full batches from that lot, which could last you up to 6 months… Suddenly £15 for half a year’s worth of snacks doesn’t seem too bad!
Prep time: 5 mins | Cook time: none! | Servings: loads — will last for months
You can use whatever combination of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit you like, but the following is my suggestion. The quantities given will be enough to fill a 1 litre ice cream tub, which lasts us a good few months.
Walnuts — 75g
Pecans — 75g
Hazelnuts — 75g
Almonds — 75g
Cashew nuts — 75g
Dried apricots — around 10, chopped into pieces
Sunflower seeds — large handful
Berry mix from Aldi (contains dried cranberries, raisins, dried Inca berries, dried cherries, and dried blueberries) — 75g
‘Tropical blend’ from Aldi (contains raisins, dried mango, dried pineapple, dried physalis, and dried coconut) — two 70g pots
‘Rainforest bounty’ from Aldi (contains almonds, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, and goji berries) — two 70g pots
An easy recipe for a healthy trail mix you can make a home with a few tasty treats thrown in, too! Filling, good for you, and just a teeny bit naughty... *From The Hungry Hungry Husband*
140g'Rainforest bounty' (almonds, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, goji berries)
large handfulmini marshmallows
50gchocolate drops
Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl
Transfer to an airtight container
You can use whatever combination of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit you like, this is just my suggestion.The quantities given will be enough to fill a 1 litre ice cream tub, which lasts us a good few months.