What have we been eating recently?
Simple Shortcrust Pastry
Shortcrust pastry recipe, just 15 pence per serving! No preservatives or unnecessary ingredients – just flour, butter & water – fresh and simple. I was lucky enough to attend a WI baking course taught by the amazing Alison Haigh a few years ago (thanks, Dad […]
Thai Tuna Fishcakes
Home-made tuna fishcakes for under £1 a serving. Healthy, filling & delicious; after making these tuna fishcakes once, you’ll never spend money on shop-bought ones again! For someone who doesn’t eat much fish, I could eat these tuna fishcakes aaall the time! I don’t know […]
Takeaway Style Doner Kebab
“Fakeaway” doner kebabs for only 67p each! This slow cooker lamb kebab is so easy to make and tastes like perfection when wrapped up in home-made flatbreads. So, what can I say about this dish? It. Is. Glorious. Simple as that! We come back to […]
No Yeast Flatbread Recipe
Simple, quick, 3-ingredient flatbread recipe – no yeast needed. These flatbreads are so easy to make and they score very highly on the taste test with The HHH! Plus, I only paid £0.08 per flatbread — yes, that really is only 8p per flatbread! This […]
“Gone in 60 Seconds” Sausage Rolls
Classically British & utterly delicious, these sausage rolls are always a winner! Flaky puff pastry packed to bursting with proper sausage meat – who could ever resist that in their packed lunch?! I’m always showered with praise by The Hungry Hungry Husband when I whip […]
Succulent Satay Chicken
Easy satay chicken with a spicy peanut sauce – need I say more?! Serve with a Simple Summer Salad and some udon noodles or coconut rice. These succulent, bite-size pieces of peanutty goodness are just a little bit irresistible! The marinade keeps them super moist and ensures […]